Sunday, November 30, 2014

1-10 Of Story and Legend

In our last chapter little Jolene aged to a child and showed her sister that she wouldn’t be pushed around. It wasn’t long before they were the best of friends. Jolene was progressing well on her social butterfly aspiration. Today finds her full of questions about their heritage, especially since there are no other trolls living nearby.

                “Dad can I ask you a question?” “Yes you can, I might even have an answer for you” Trevor said mischievously. “Hardy har har dad, you’re so funny, anyway Mom said that you are a troll, so my question is where the other trolls are? Why are we the only troll family in both Oasis Springs and Willow Creek? There has to be other trolls, so where are they, and why did you move here?”

 Trevor thought a moment, “Well, Jolene, I’m not sure where they are. This is something I’ve not spoken to anyone about, not even your mother, but only because she never asked me. I don’t remember why I chose to move here. I have no real memories of a time before I appeared on this lot. I’m not even sure HOW I got here or where or when I am from.”

                “Wait a minute did you just say When you are from? Cuz that’s just not possible, is it?”

               “Well here is what I do remember, about 20 sim years ago I found myself looking at this plot of land, the only thing I remember is that I made a choice and walked into a very bright light of some kind. When I got here all I had was 1,800§ and my cell phone which has some instructions as to why I was here and what my ‘mission’ is.”

                “Whoa how cool! A Mission, what kind of mission?”

            “That’s all I can tell you dear, the only other sims that can know the mission is the next heir and their spouse should they feel it is important for them to know. What I can tell you is that we are supposed to be happy, successful sims and build the foundation for a long line of happy, successful sims. 

“How come you never told mom, if the spouse can know, why didn’t you tell her?”

“I never told your mother because she instinctively seemed to just ‘know’ stuff about me. The one time I brought it up was just before our wedding, she told me she already knew everything she needed to know about me and nothing else was important.”

“Wow, mom really is a special lady isn’t she! I want to grow up and be just like her!”

“She is a pretty special lady, so are you, and you are already very much like her. If you are the one chosen to continue the legacy you will be given more of the details, at least that is what my instructions said. Now run along and play with your sister, I need to finish up a book for work”

Jolene had a lot to think about, she was a very curious child and loved to learn things about people, where they came from, what they liked and what they didn’t. Next to meeting new people, making friends with them was something she wanted more than anything.

“Mom, dad just told me a bit about himself and how he came to Oasis Springs, it’s very sad that he can’t remember anything before that day. Do you know anything about dads past, about why he came here?”

“Well, when I was a little girl my father told me stories about a secret world within a world. It is guarded by magic, and protects magical creatures from selfish people that would use their powers for their own gain. There are many magical creatures from gnomes to fairies, witches and trolls. Some are good, some aren’t so good, and others are terrifying to humans, but not to other magical beings. In this magical place moonbeams are harnessed to give these magical creatures special abilities. The trolls are the protectors of the gates. They are terrifying to most people because they are meant to scare away those that mean harm. Those that are honest and pure see them as they really are, like your father is, just a big lovable guy.”

“So why do you think dad is here? He said he never told you much, but that you seem to just know, how do you know if he doesn’t?”

“Well, I don’t exactly know ‘Why’ your father is here, but one story my father told me was about a troll that traveled to a new place to begin a mission that would save not only his home, but the whole world. While I don’t think that is why your father is really here, I do know a bit about legacies, and that was something I knew I could help him with, beyond that we may not know. Your dad has no memory of  anything before he got here." 

“Wow, wouldn’t it be cool if the story really was about dad? Then it would also be about us! Your dad sounds like a cool person too, I wonder if he actually traveled to this special place! OH wouldn’t that be neat, to travel to this special place and meet magical beings!”

“I don’t think that’s possible honey, it couldn’t be your father, this story was very, very old when my father heard about it. I don’t think it is possible that your dad could be the troll from the story, they have a normal sim life span like you and me, and your dad is much younger than I am. As for traveling there, I'm not sure if that is possible either. I asked my dad if he had ever been there or if they were just stories, but he just winked at me and said it was real only if I believed it was real. Sit down and I will read you the story that he read to me.”

Noel remembered talking about this with Cassiel when she was younger. It wasn't easy being the only green person in town other than her father. As Casseil read, she was playing her violin,  composing a song to fit the story, and was transported with the music, she could almost smell the moss on the stones, feel the damp air in the cave and in her mind she could see the gate to this special place where a gnome stood guarding the entrance because her father, the troll, was away on a special mission. Soon she would be a teen and one step closer to knowing for sure, but in her heart she was certain that her father was the troll from the story.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

1-9 Time Marches On

Jolene and Noel are busy working towards those A’s in school and aspiration leveling. Noel has only a day or two left until her teen birthday so while she is busy skilling up let’s see what Trevor and Casseil are up too.

Casseil is feeling pretty confident today. Here she has painted a contented cat picture. 

So Casseil, what has you in such a confident mood? Oh I see you have gotten a promotion at work. Congrats, but um, what are you wearing? The dress is well, I guess okay, but why the hat?
“It’s my thinking cap! It will help me get those ideas flowing for more paintings!” Err, okay if you say so.
Trevor has had a few promotions as well. Today he has reached level 4 in his writing career and has some nice reward items. The main one is the lovely computer that he does all his writing on(level 2). He has also received a painting and a comfy chair to sit in and read all those books he needs to read for inspiration.Casseil has a few promotion rewards as well. There is the picture rack, and something else that I can't remember atm, the rack was placed in the bedroom since there isn't room out here for it. 

Could someone clean up around here? The desk is no place for drinks to be placed, are you trying to break the computer? I have a love/hate relationship with all the places stuff can be, well, stuffed! It's neat to be able to put so much stuff on surfaces, but wow can the sims fill it up with things!

Trevor and Casseil will both be having a birthday today so Trevor heads out for some fishing while Casseil bakes a cake. 

What do you have there Trevor? “I don’t know, I’ll give it to Casseil for her birthday later” I think he caught a my sim doll or a seed, it was nothing special is all I really remember about it.

“I’ve almost reached my goal of catching 20 fish, then I can move on to the next level of my aspiration! This is it! I’ve got ‘em now! Wow, it’s a big one.” Well don’t horse him or you’ll lose it!

And…… It’s a plant. Well it was a big one, but not a fish and it doesn’t count. Oh well, another day, another fish, now you need to go home for your joint birthday. I was hoping Trevor would get that last fish so we could buy Casseil a youth potion, I didn’t want her to have to be an elder just yet. I was hoping to have her and Trevor both at the same age after he aged to adult but it wasn’t meant to be. Noel is close in points also, but not close enough for a youth potion. I've learned a lot about aspirations since I last played this family, I hope my future sims will benefit from this knowledge, but for now these guys have been the early test subjects.

Casseil, are you sure you don’t want to shower first? “No way!! I’m not missing my birthday party and getting a sad moodlet! I can shower after!” Okay then, ladies first.

 “I’m old and wrinkly and gray” “You still look lovely to me dear.”

 Trevor was next.

“I don’t feel any different, and I look pretty much the same, now to start repairing that fridge, why is it something always breaks during a birthday celebration?"

Casseil took that shower and then went to read to the girls. The kids’ room is the most popular room in the house. They eat in here, chat in here, read in here. The only one that doesn’t spend all of their time in here is Trevor. He loves himself some video games, so even when he isn’t writing you will most likely find him at the computer. 

Trevor and Casseil must have been celebrating privately because the next day Casseil was in a flirty mood and painted this. “Our anniversary is coming up and I want Trevor to get me a box of chocolates!” Is that all you want? Just chocolates? “Yes, well, and to retire, I’m just so tired all the time, I want to spend my time left with the girls and painting, do you think we have enough money for me to retire?”

The Trollsims have been doing very well financially, between Trevor’s royalties and the masterpieces Casseil has been painting they have earned nearly 80,000§ Yes, Casseil, you may retire, someone needs to keep this lovely garden thriving!

Here is a picture of the kids’ room, the beds have been upgraded to something more comfortable, they have their own bathroom, and a quiet study room for homework and chess. 

And here is a picture of the exterior of Trollsim Terrace. It now has 2+ bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and the main room with the kitchen, living, and dining all in one. Eventually I will get better interior shots, we need to upgrade the windows and the lighting too. The value of the house is 46K right now.