Sunday, September 28, 2014

Meet Trevor Trollsim

This is Trevor Trollsim.

 His name kind of gives it away but, to clear up any doubts, yes, Trevor is a troll. This is a Sims 4 Prettacy (Legacy) Challenge, but first you may want to know a bit about Trevor and how he came to Oasis Springs.

Trevor grew up in Moonlight Falls with his parents, Tristan and Tamara. They lived in a lovely medieval castle called The Rookery. Tristan is an alchemist, while Tamara is a homemaker first and a writer/painter when she feels like getting off the couch. Tristan and Tamara have passed down their traits of slob and couch potato to Trevor. Trevor is also a brooder, an angler and loves the great outdoors. His front yard is one of his favorite places to be and he spends as many hours everyday fishing as he can.

Moonlight Falls has always been a sanctuary to supernaturals. Many of Trevor's friends are fairies, werewolves, elves and witches. Shrouded in mystery and protected by deep magic, few humans know of its existence, and fewer still have breached the careful protective spells and seen the place with their own eyes. The humans Trevor has met have all been very kind. No one thinks twice about him being green. All who know him, know him to be a gentle giant that would give his life to protect his family, friends and home. 

One beautiful day while fishing in his private pond a popping and crackling sound brought him out of his daydream. The hair on his arms and legs stood on end from the electric charge that filled the air. The hot smell of dust burning away filled his nostrils. Just as quickly as it came the light and sounds were gone, but the tang of smoke still filled the air. Behind him was a strange contraption, it was nothing like he had ever seen before.

Trevor walked around it hesitantly, the charge of electricity was felt emanating from it's center. He nudged it with his foot and it began to pop back to life. Frozen by how quickly it flared to life he almost didn't get out of the way of the strangely dressed man with blue hair that jumped out from the field of light.

Before he could ask, the man said. "Why hello there, thank you for giving this thing a swift kick, I was having trouble getting the thing to stay on. Must have something loose on this end. By the way, my name is Emit Relevart"

Now Trevor may be a troll, but he is far smarter than he looks and he quickly realized what was going on. "Uh? Emit Relevart, why that's Time Traveler spelled backwards! The lighted clothes, you must be from the future!"

While he was slightly disappointed that his cover was blown so quickly, Emit was also thrilled to know that this being from the past was much more intelligent than history had credited, maybe this time he would be able to convince him to embark on this very important quest. "Why yes, I am from the future, many, many generations from now. I've come on a mission to change the past and save your lovely town here, and the world from beings and things that will destroy it!"

"Destroy it? How? When? Who? I will go to the council and tell them we must increase the protective spells and...." "No that won't help, you see it's not a threat on earth but from space that will destroy your lovely town and most of the magical beings. It will also nearly destroy the rest of this world. In the future only one town will survive, and depending on decisions you and your descendants make in the next 2000 years will depend on the type of life that future will have. Right now things are grim, something changed the course of history and the Utopia I grew up in is a dim and dreadful place. I have a quest for you, one that I hope you will take, and one that I hope will change all our futures for the better. If it works, you and I will never meet again. If it doesn't I will come back and set you on your quest again."

"Are you sure I am the only one that can fix the future? Surely there must be another way!"
"There is no other way, and don't call me Shirley!"
"Uh, I....*is this guy for real? I guess it won't hurt to humor him for a bit * well, that is to say, what does this quest require?"

"Well, like any quest it will require you to leave your lovely home. You will have to live among humans. Your parents can never know where you are really going, and you will most likely never see them again."

"Not see my parents ever again? Can my quest wait until they pass away, they are both very old?"
"I'm sorry, but no, you have to leave tonight, by sunrise at the latest, there isn't any time to waste. While I can come back to this date and time, you would not remember me."

"Have we met before, and if so how many times?  How do I know if my quest is a success or not?"

"Last question first, you never will. First and second question, yes, twice before. I can't stay much longer or those that have control in this terrible future will realize what I'm up to. The last thing you should know before I leave is this, if you accept this quest you will have forgotten everything of your life, your parents, your friends, your home. It is required that your mind be erased so as not to contaminate the time line you will live in."

"What? No, I can't do that? You ask too much!"

"I know it sounds impossible, and life for you won't start out easy, but I've been looking over your history, and I have faith that you will succeed, in fact I think that the future you create will be better than anything even I can imagine. Take this, and look it over. Think about it, you have until Sunrise to activate the portal." He handed Trevor a weird looking tablet, like a book, but nothing like any book he'd seen. It was metal like his phone, but it was much larger. "This will explain more of what your quest will require, and the two different destinations you can choose to live in. So long Trevor."

And with that Emit stepped back into the portal and in a flash was gone. So was the light.

With a weary heart Trevor made his way inside to a lovely salad his mother had prepared. He tried to listen to his father discuss his latest potion, but his mind was reeling from what he had just seen and heard. But for the tablet hidden under his shirt he would have been able to convince himself it was all just a fantastic daydream. Never remember his friends and family, not even remember the things he liked or didn't like. To exist, but not exist, he wasn't sure he could do it. How could he just leave them to wonder where he went? He liked his quiet life, loved his folks, loved his drafty castle, and worn, but comfy furniture. How could he just walk away from everything, into a future of uncertainty? He couldn't do it, Emit asked too much of him.

After his parents went to bed Trevor stayed up to read the strange book Emit had given him. In it he learned of the giant meteor that destroyed Simhenge and rendered all magic useless. Sending minerals and gases into the atmosphere to slowly choke out life on Sim Earth.  Without their magic, most of the supernaturals faded away, and only a few survived. History really doesn't explain what happened to them, but the loss of their magic was more than many could handle. Emit believes that if Trevor is successful that the meteor will be destroyed in time, or diverted before it can cause any harm. But he doesn't say how, and it wouldn't matter if he did. If Trevor agrees, everything he's seen and read tonight will be erased anyway. Soon Trevor is convinced that he must accept this quest even if he doesn't know what he needs to do, he knows he could never forgive himself if he didn't. No one was going to say that Trevor Trollsim sat on his couch while the world fell apart around him. No sir, Trever was a Troll of action, well semi-action, he still didn't like to do much more than he had to. He wrote his parents a note, hoping they won't search for him or worry too much, and with a sigh walked to the portal and gave it a kick.

In seconds it flared to life and the same acrid smell of particles burning filled the air, leaving a tangy taste in his mouth and all of his hair standing on end. The panel blinked with two choices, Willow Creek or Oasis Springs. Trevor thought that both places sounded nice. He knew an oasis was a place of life and beauty in the middle of a dessert, he pictured clean cool water, soothing winds and shady palms, and with a new found adventurous spirit he chose Oasis Springs, certain it would be a place of new life.

The light from the portal was blinding, and supercharged with electricity, as he stepped through he hoped his parents would be okay, and hoped he had what it would take to make it on his own with his memory wiped. He chuckled, wondering what kind of personality he would retain if everything he knew was erased. And with that the world was consumed in light and the blast shook the whole town as he was sent careening through space and time. The time portal was gone as well.